Our first priority when we start researching this excellent Gerber 06149 Folding Gator Mate Clip Point Knife received from Gerber would be to present an extensive and appropriate product knowledge, starting from product general description, including product dimension, colors, and many others till the reviews dropped by past customers as well as other assisting information that is critical for our audience in order to prevent lack of product knowledge and may lead to a faulty purchasing decision and frustrating in the end.
As an alternative information together with the product pictures previously mentioned, please refers to these numbers in order to figure out the product precise dimension and size. It has 2.81 inches long,wide, 5.69 inches high and it has weight for an estimated 1.50 pounds.
Gerber states that their product is for sale in favored Multicolor color, in which several other colours will soon be accessible near future, to ensure the consumer will have extra alternative to go with. Go here for more accessible color styles
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Further more, you do not have to become worry in skipping or forgot about this amazing product offers by simply adding this product to your cart using the Buy Button below, so you're able to come back again and buy it when you're sure. No fees or invoices involves and you could definitely removed it from your shopping cart at any time.

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